What a gift

I was diagnosed with stage 4 HER2 breast cancer on December 9, 2009. I had been wrestling with my grandson, Jake when he accidentally hit in my left breast. I had ben staying with my daughter and I left to go home for the weekend. I got up the next morning and my breast was seeping some fluid. I immediately called my daughter and told her and of course the first thing I did monday morning was call and get a doctor appointment. I went in and he immediately sent me to the Breast Center at St. Luke's Hospital in Kansas City.

I had had so many mamograms in the past because of previous problems that when they said I needed a saunagram I was not surprised. Of course the results were not good and a bioptsy followed. Then I got the dreaded news, you have cancer and of course I was scared to death. I made up my mind that this was not going to beat me, I had way to much living to do. After a full year of treatment of kemo, radiation and a wonderful new drug for HER2 patients I made a fantastic recovery.

The amazing part of this story is that I had no idea I had stage 4 cancer. When I went for my 4 1/2 year checkup was when my doctor told me how proud of me he was. He had only given me 3 to 4 months to live and that I would probably have cancer back within a year. He told me I was his miracle. I feel like I am living proof that without my family, God and lots of prayers and the most wonderful doctors at St. Lukes Cancer Center, Kansas City, Missouri I would not be here.

Theresa A. (Terri) Nolte
Warrensburg, MO