Walk of Faith

I took my husband for a check up our dr. The dr tells me its be 4 years sense my last mammogram. So, I went....didnt want but I went. Got it done on Dec.28, 2011. In Jan.2012 I got a letter saying something was found in left breast, so I went back for another mammogram. A week later got another letter stating the dr ordered another test. (During this whole time I had no pain couldnt feel a lump....nothing) . I go back, this time the way I was standing i could see the screen, I seen this mass. My heart sank, all I could do was pray. I told God if this was the path he needed me to go down, i would. I'd walk it as long as He was there with me. He was not only there, but he brought Christian people each step of the way. On Jan 23,2012 I was told I did have breast cancer. The dr told me she was taking the left breast, i told her "No you aren't" . She just stood there., I told her " you'll be taking both" So, on Feb. 7,2012 my whole life changed. The cancer was not found in any lymp nodes, so i didnt go through any treatment.
I've joined a sisterhood of many who stand proud and say i'm a BREAST CANCER SUVIVOR. We remember those who lost their lives. God bless us everyone

Lea Reyes
Arlington, TX