Unwanted Road Traveled

I always knew this day would come since my mom & grandmother both had breast cancer. I just never thought it would come at age 35. I had a 22 month old son & almost 4 year old daughter. So I have way to much to live for to let
Stage IV IDC take my life. I was estrogen & progesterone positive & BRCA II positive with mets to multiple lymph nodes & my lower spine. My lump was less than 2mm & was not palpable at my yearly exam in May. I felt like this mass appeared over night when I found it 7-13-13. From there my life became a whirlwind of doctors appt's & tests.
I had chemo from 8-6-13 to 12-17-13
4 rounds of AC & 12 rounds of Taxol. Then I had a bilateral mastectomy with 12 lymph nodes removed on 1-30-14 & a radical hysterectomy 2-12-14. I haven't skipped a beat. After only a few weeks of healing I had 6 weeks of radiation. Which by far has been the worst part of treatment. I was doing ok till week 5 & 6. The radiation has left my skin raw & I've been in tremendous pain. They say it heals fast. I just completed it on 4-11-14, so lets bring on the healing.
Next I will have a PET scan & decided how we are going to treat my lower back L4, L5 & S1 is where the cancer spread. The chemo did a tremendous job on it so I'm hopefully we won't have to do anything & just watch it closely.
This has been one of the longest unwanted roads I've never wanted to travel. Overall i have kept a very positive attitude. You have to be positive to fight this horrible disease. I know God is good & miracles do happen. I am gonna be that miracle & be cured from stage IV breast CA.
I also have had amazing support along the way. I couldn't have done it without each & everyone one of you by my side😘

Orlando, FL