Two Very Different Valentine's Day Stories

I was diagnosed with BC in Oct 2003 when I went for my first mammogram. I was 43 years old. My kids were 12 and 14. I was recently remarried when my world came crashing down. My new husband, my kids and his two kids were devastated. Two lumpectomies later my surgeon informed me that I had no options left. I needed a mastectomy. A second opinion verified her prognosis. If I didn't have the surgery I would be in serious trouble within 18 months. So I had the procedure done and came home on Valentine's Day 2004. Then the reconstruction began. Starting with yet another surgery just two weeks after my mastectomy because the tissue around my incision had died. They had to remove the necrosis and replace the expansion implant. We had to start over with the reconstruction. We endured 6 months of weekly visits to my plastic surgeon for expansion, my husband dutifully going with me to every single appointment. I was fortunate. My cancer did not have hormone positive indicators. I did not have to undergo chemo or radiation. They had caught it before it had progressed to my lymph system. They also had no explanation as to why I developed breast cancer. Finally in Aug 2004 I underwent my final surgery to replace the expander with an implant. I had my life back.

This year, for Valentine's Day instead of celebrating 6 years being cancer free, my husband told me that he'd been having an affair for over two years. Two weeks later he left us and moved in with her.

I am a survivor. Of cancer. And infidelity. No he has not come home. I don't expect he will. He would not be welcome. But the worse enemy has been banished.

Carole L. Jones
Richardson, TX