Two Times Blessed

Thanks to my yearly mammogram in November of 2005, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma. The largest concentration was under my left arm, with spots in my thymus and stomach. Over night our lives changed. The hardest part was telling our children, our son 15 and our daughter 11.

I had my port put in on December 14, 2005 and my first chemo treatment the next day. I had treatments every other Friday for six months. My husband was such a blessing, he went to every doctor appointment, test and treatment. My last treatment was May 15, 2006. I had several lymph nodes removed, then I was cancer free.

After being cancer free for almost 6 years, my annual mammogram showed a suspicious spot. We we did a biopsy and it came out benign. I went in a few months later and did a check up ultrasound on the previously biopsyed breast, it was clear. I happened to mention my left breast was having some pain, which I wouldn't normally do. A spot looked suspicious, so I went back in later that same day and had a biopsy done. The doctor basically said "it always happens to nice ones". This was the same doctor who did my biopsy that found my cancer in 2005. I made the painful call to tell my husband that we were going to have to go down this road again.

I had all the tests and met with my oncologist and a surgeon. They removed the well behaved tumor and
feeder nodes. Not only did I have breast cancer, they found Hodgekins Lymphoma in my nodes under my left arm again. My oncologist said this was an unusual case. After consulting a few doctors they all decided that radiation was the way to go. I had 34 radiation treatments and an cancer free once again.

The Lord has blessed me twice. I have learned that faith in God and a positive attitude no matter how bad you feel can get you through anything. I am so thankful for my wonder husband and children.

Carrie Stewart
Mustang, OK