two time survivor

I was was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993, I was only 26 years old. I found the lump myself and was later told by the doctor that it was a solid mass, but it was most likely non-cancerous. I decided to have the lump removed, just to be safe and ease my mind. I had stage 1 breast cancer. I had a mastectomy and choice not to have reconstruction. Then in 2000, during a mammogram, they discovered a few suspicious spots, and scheduled me for a lumpectomy. The spots were not cancer, however they did discover a stage 0 tumor. At this time I decided I wanted to have my breast removed, just to be safe. I'm so thankful that I did, because once they did the mastectomy, they found a stage 1 tumor under my nipple, that WASN'T dectected by the mammogram. I have since had reconstruction surgery, and I've been cancer free for 10 years now. I was so fortunate that I didn't have to go through cemo or radiation. So, ladies, please make sure you know your bodies and get early detections. It can and will safe your lives!!!

Hamilton, IL