Two time breast cancer survivor

I am Nicolle Muller,I live in NYC, I was 1st diganosed with breast cancer of the right breast in 2000 I was 39 and my Mother had BC 2x in her life, i had always thought it skipped a genreration,I was wrong. Being an only child made it hard to understand, although my parents were both with me all the time, I was working during all this. I had a right breast mastecomy, a implant placed that was never completed, I took AC- the strongest chemo I ever knew , lost my hair, lost my job, lost my fiance who died...Always had my Mom, my best friend.....
Then in 2005-my Mother got very sick after she fell and broke her hip, I took care of her night and day with my dad, and she died Dec 11,2005. Three days later I went for a new mamogram of my left breast- and they found a new Bc- before this I was told I had the BRCA gene- so in June of 2005- I had a full hystercomy- couldnt have children. the left breast surgery was jan 06, and my dad has been my pillar of strength through all this and losing his wife of 58 years. I had a different chemo stronger a CMF because when the plastic surgeon put the tissue expander in- there was an infection of MRSA, and re placed a expander 2x before it was finally taken out, I have to see a Infectous disease doc my whole ife and always wonder if I get to near a sick person. I can never have a implant placed in my left side.... I lost all my teeth becasue of this and all my self esteem. My dad is with me and I love him...Dont ever give up!

Nicolle Muller
New York, NY