Trust in yourself and your family and friends

I found out I had breast cancer during my annual mammogram. It was in 2012 and I was 61 years old. I usually live a good healthy life, eat as healthy as I could, excersized as regular as I could. It was so shocking that I would have breast cancer…me…no way. I was in complete denial and at first wished I didn't do a mammogram to find that out. I had to follow up with more ultra sound, biopsy on the left breast. Yep, a 1/2 inch tumor. Stage one cancer. I didn't want to do anything about it, just leave it there and maybe it will just go away. I do Reiki, so I thought, I'll just Reiki myself (on hand treatment) Nope, still there! I'll heal myself with crystals! Nope still there. Okay, better follow up medical science. I had to do a MRI, which by he way, was very scary for me. It finally came down that I had to have the lumpectomy on my left breast. Thank God no cancer in my lymph nods. Okay, its out…but two days later I had a call from my doctor. I need to do another surgery,needs to remove more from the breast, lab detected more cancer cells. I was so upset…not again…why didn't the doctor to it right the first time! My son and my husband told me "just get it done" so we can get on with our lives. So…two weeks later I did. Radiation for four weeks, which by the way, was a piece of cake. Met some wonderful women going thru the same thing.
Two years later, I'm cancer free, taking my hormone inhibitor medication. I guess what I'm trying to get at, is with me trying to control the situation only made it harder for me to except my cancer. Let your family, friends and your doctors help you at this time. Don't try and do it alone! I realized that having cancer is not a death sentence! Trust in your self and "just get it done".

Honolulu, HI