Trust and not be Afraid

I turned 39 years old in July. My survivor story began as I was reading my Bible on the morning of July 27 and I came to Isaiah 12:2, "I will trust and not be afraid......" I grabbed a pink highlighter of all colors because that just really spoke to my heart that morning. I went to take a shower a few hours later and I plainly heard "You need to check your breast" I was startled to say the least but I heard it again only more forceful. I went right to the spot. The next week was a whirl wind as I had a mammogram and ultrasound and biopsy then finally the diagnosis on Aug. 2. My baby turned 15 on Aug 1 and all I could think is 15 years ago I was bringing my baby home from the hospital and now, 15 years later I have breast cancer! I saw my surgeon on Aug. 5 and I had a double mastectomy on Aug. 6. I had chemo (TAC) every 3 weeks for 18 weeks and I can happily say I finished on Jan. 2, 2014!! Whenever I get afraid I remember the verse I found that morning " God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song he is also become my salvation" I am going to start the reconstruction process in a few weeks and I will be on the anti estrogen pill for 5 years and I am praying 40 will be a better year for me. I know that no matter what I face I have my faith and the love and support of my family and friends. I am blessed far beyond measure! Cancer does not discriminate nor does it follow the guidelines.....

Jodi Leonard
Bristol, TN