Triple Negative Breast cancer changed my life

September 13, 2013 on my way to see my medical doctor a pain hit me so hard in the pit of my left arm. I was on my motorcycle and inevitably hand to plant my arm tight to my side to minimize the pain. I arrived and once I saw my dr.s face I begged him to please help me, and told him what I was feeling. Let me back up a bit, in 2012 I had seen countless doctors because I have a lump in my left breast, to have only been passed around to heart specialists, pulmonary doctors, psychiatrists, etc. telling me that nothing was wrong. Fast forward, on September 20, 2013 I had a mammogram and ultrasound saying they saw at least 3 tumors. September 26, I had a painful biopsy, October 1, 2013 I got the worst news, "you have stage 2 Triple Negative Breast cancer, somebody dropped the ball on this we are sorry." After countless tests, I began chemotherapy October 17, 2013, every 2 weeks A/C for the first 4 weeks then Taxol the last 4 weeks. I wanted to quit, but I knew I counted because I'd promised my daughter who died at 19 in 2004 of leukemia, that I would fight this for her. My last chemo is January 21, 2014 then surgery, and radiation. Finally reconstructive surgery in the Spring. Through Faith, Prayer, and Obedience to Gods Word, I am making it through.

Lisa M.
Struthers, OH