Towards The Fullness of Life

With God:s grace and healing hands + the wonders of science + arrows of prayers from family and friends, I survived 11 years of Stage 4 Breast Cancer (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma-Metastatic/Progressive) and battled 5 recurrences! Whew! That was tough!

Y2014 presents another twist in my cancer journey. "God draws straight with a crooked line!" Reality seeps in..I had seizures not knowing it is the start of another journey! I was at Neuro ICU for a time to check possible metastases. I got brain metastases and have to undergo Radiation Surgery as per doctors recommendation. What a costly procedure to prolong life!

Am I running against time? Of course not! In God's time, everything will fall in its right places and I will be well soon once again!

There nth reasons to celebrate life and I would like to celebrate it with all of you.
Cheers to a celebration... To Life!

My prayer: ":To Smile in spite of the odds, find Joy amidst the pain and suffering!:

So.. here I am..."Turning mourning into dancing and sorrows into Joys!"

I have to fortify my soul so that pain will never break it!

"May the Sword of Suffering never break me!"

My journey is a "Victory of the Cross!"

All my unity and prayers...

Haidee R. Ala
Manila, Philippines