Tough little German lady

This story is about my mom, Gerda Taylor. She was from Munich Germany and one tough lady. She grew up during WWII and faced all kinds of other obsticles but Breast Cancer took her in 2006. She was first diagnosed in 1997. The doctors said she had to have a full mastectomy on her right side. The night before her surgery she couldn't sleep and came downstairs for a drink. She slipped on the bottom step and broke her left ankle. The Lord works in mysterious ways because she was more worried about her ankle than her cancer. She healed fast and the picture is her back home in Munich Germany for her sisters 60th birthday in 1999. It was the first time she'd been home in 25 years. The cancer came back three different times in the next seven years. She fought long and she fought hard, but on Feb 9, 2006 at 4 am, she passed away in her sleep. The same morning she was scheduled to come home from the hospital. I didn't get to tell her good bye, only that I'd see her later. I had to leave her to go back to work and thought for sure I'd see her the next day. But I will see her again and we will have just as much fun in Eternity as we did on that trip to Munich!

Jenny Kennington
Charleston, SC