Tough Fighter

2009 diagnosed with stage 4 cervical cancer at the age of 44, I had a full hysterectomy and they removed all the cancer. Three days later I was emitted into the I C U and sepsis due to my small bowel being burnt by the tool they used to remove the cancer and I was incubated and on life support for 11 days and hospitalized for a month. January 2014 I had surgery to repair multiple hernias that were caused from being sepsis back in 2009 and I had a mesh surgical installed in order to keep my bowels and intestines inside me. February 2014 my son was murdered, he was shot in the head and it left him brain dead. April 2014 I had a double mastectomy after finding out I had breast cancer in my left breast. I had cancer in one of my lymph nodes so I have been doing chemotherapy and I have 2 more treatments to go. This has been a very windy year for me. I am homeless and my husband is in another state trying to make money to get us a place to live, I was with him but it wasn't a healthy environment for me so my aunt came and got me and I'm living with her until my husband raises up the money to get us a home. With God I'm staying strong!

Stacy Lindblade
Edgewood, WA