Touched by an Angel

I must admit I was not the best for self examination, so when I woke myself up feeling a lump in my right breast I was unsure, my regular mammogram appointment had already arrived in the post for three weeks time so decided I'd wait for that and tell them of my discovery. Of course quiet quickly a follow up appointment arrived where I had another mammogram, ultrascan and biopsy. Two days later I went for the results but deep inside I knew-- it was positive-- when I saw the surgeon he had difficulty finding the lump [only obvious with my arm raised and I sleep with my hands under my head] his comment was you were so lucky to feel that! Within three weeks I was admitted to hospital where I had a "wide excision" to remove 1 cancerous, 1 pre-cancerous tumour and 10 lymph nodes removed at the same time this was followed by 6 chemo sessions 25 radio therapy 8 of a different radio therapy 33 in total and 18 of the [at the time] contraversal Herceptin. I am still on arimadex and alive. I am so grateful to all the nurses and doctors that over that period were there for me I made a lot of friends and sadly lost some who weren't as lucky as me. My phylosophy is enjoy now, move forward and don't be afraid to talk about it and in so doing maybe help others to come to terms with this devistating news and let them know there is hope I still don't know what woke me like that but I feel something did! and it saved my life."Guardian Angel" perhaps who knows??. .

mandy rance-matthews
st. austell,, United Kingdom