too young for breast cancer

Dec. 2011. Your only 37, your too young for breast cancer,(2) professionals told me. It is just a cyst. That's when 2 years of my life disappeared.Or so I thought..June 2012 I went to my doctor and said I don't care if it is a is bigger now and I look like I have 2 nipples on one breast.July13,2012, had week later I am back in my surgeons office..he says it's not a's cancer. I went from cyst to cancer to clean the margins and radiation to know I must have a bilateral mastectomy because of a bracca gene. Oct.16,2012 bilateral mastectomy with tissue expanders.those too failed.started chemo and forgot about surgery for a while.I just worked and took care of my family.everyday people at work would say.."why are you working" I said.because I am not letting this beat me.I want to see my kids and future kids smiles. I finished chemo July 2013. Dec. 2103 I had the diep flap surgery. May 2104 I had my nipple reconstruction. I just need some tattooing and I am complete.I almost feel back to normal,thanks to my family and the best surgeon and his assistant in the world.

Rhonda Marks
Brooklyn, NY