too late for cure

I noticed my left Breast changing but ignored it thinking it was nothing to worry about. Every morning I would see how my Breast looked flat on one side and my nipple was slowly inverting. Fear stopped me from going to the doctor. No one wants to think that they might have cancer. So I continued to inwardly worry but did nothing about it. It wasn't until I developed pain under my arm and in my ribs under my left Breast that I went to the doctor. He immediately sent me for a mammogram and a biopsy where it was discovered that I had a mass of cancerous cells in my Breast and lymph nodes. I was told that I would need a mastectomy and chemotherapy and I thought 'fine I will get better '. it was not until I had a bone scan that my Breast cancer had spread to my bones. I am in constant agony and wish that I had gone to the doctor sooner. Although I didn't have a mastectomy, I am now left with bones that are riddled with cancer. I intend to fight this but sometimes it is so hard when you are in so much pain. If I could leave a message I would beg anyone who notices any changes in there Breast to get it checked straight away. By the way I am only 47years old and strongly believe that the age of mammograms should be lowered. Linda Leishman

linda leishman
Falkirk, United Kingdom