To raise Awareness and Save Lives

My name is Mauna Kay and I am 43 years old and on November 12th 2013...I went for my annual mammogram as preventative Annual test that I have done Every year. A lump was found and the hospital called On that day and set up more test to make sure every possibility was covered and went for more test on Nov. 21st 2013 and there it was still to be found...It was a lump and got scheduled that day for a lumpectomy on Nov 26th and they had concern about it being so far posterior.
December 6th the results were in and went for my appointment with thinking and telling my friends and family that they are 90 percent negative with nothing to worry about. The doctor walked in and said I have to tell you and explain these results. My Heart pretty much stopped with his words.
I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ....What???? How can this be??? I was in total shock and was 90 percent sure my results was negative. I was given two options of either 5-7 weeks of radiation with the risk still hanging over my head with worry that it is possible to return or a complete masectomy and my chances are so much Greater of no return. I chose for myself and my family to have a complete masectomy. I have never been so glad to have taken a test upon myself to schedule and have done in all my life.

MaunaKay Hukill