To Fight Cancer you need Will Power

It was in April 2011, my mother met with an accident and broke her right arm; it was just 1 week before my sister’s wedding. After initial investigation, she was diagnosed with “Stage 4- CA Breast with Bone Metastasis“. It was shocking news for all of us as how can a broken arm be related to BREAST CANCER.

We consulted an ONCOLOGIST, who started with immediate treatment which included 9 rounds of weekly Chemotherapy, 5 radiation followed by hormone therapy. We knew the side effects of Chemotherapy and radiations are very harsh as my maternal grandmother and aunty both were cancer patients. During her treatment she was very strong and continued to live her life normally. Not even once did her blood count dip. She was determined to beat cancer. She was very cheerfully and uses to give hope to other patients. After 9 months a surgery was done to fix her broken arm.

Everything was going fine until May 2013, when cancer bounced back with full strength and this time it was “Stage 4- CA breast Progressive Cancer”. Doctors completely gave up hope, she was bed ridden. Doctors gave only 2 months to her . But through her “WILL POWER” and Courage she could prolong her life. Even doctors said it was not less than a miracle.
It was on 28 March 2014 after a struggle of 3 years she breathe her last.

We all are very proud of her. Losing her is the biggest loss. She was the strength of our family and will always be remembered as a Strong and Courageous person.

At the end I will just say don’t forget that weak bones can be one of the symptoms of Breast Cancer, so please don’t ignore pain in bones.
Early detection is the key to survival.

Richa Raina
Delhi, India