In April of 2011 at the age of 30 I was diagnosed with stage 2b triple negative breast cancer with 3 lymphnodes testing positive. I opt to have a double mastectomy, reconstruction, 16 rounds of ACT and 28 sessions of radiation. I am still in the final stages of my reconstruction.
While I was printing 300 breast cancer books I read how to do your own examine. I did my examine and found the lump on my right breast but wasn't alarmed because of my age, health and no history of breast cancer in my family. I made a appointment with my doctor who ordered the ultra sound and biopsy. A few days later I heard the dreadful words "you have cancer". If it wasn't for the books and quick response from my medical team I wouldn't be alive. Please do your self examines!
I am a mother of 5 beautiful kids 1 in heaven and they are my reason for fighting, not giving up and keeping positive. I am happy to say I am 2 years cancer free and still going strong!

Deidra Carlyle
Maricopa, AZ