
As strange as it may sound I never really thought I was going to die. I was diagnosed with cancer that had spread to both breasts and lymph nodes. I knew it wasn't going to be a cakewalk. However; I never said why me. My family already had quite a history of cancer. My Mom had breast cancer, my Dad had NHL, my brother had throat cancer and my two other siblings have had a lot of skin cancer removed. So far none of us have died from it. We all have "survived". I have found that when God puts you on a path you have two choices. One is to give up, or the other is to walk with God knowing he has a greater plan. I made a choice the day I was diagnosed I didn't want to just survive, I wanted to thrive! God has a plan for all of us. We are not alone unfortunately; someone dies of breast cancer every 69 seconds. We don't have time to be scared we must be shining examples of strength and bravery to help others through to the other side. I am truly grateful for my journey, and because of it I am a better person.

Cindy Myatt
Colorado City, CO