This will not be my life sentence!

February 2007...

I am a healthy fit woman.... WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!!!! Never in my wildest did I ever emagine that I would have breast cancer. No family history, I breast fed my three daughters... Geeze...
I have learned that Breast Cancer is not particularly selective. I got it. Having said that, "it" NEVER EVER had me.
I decided very early on to be the victor!... Mind set is so very powerful. I had my cancer removed, and I never let myself consider that a cell may have broken off, or that a cell morph may happen... Our minds are powerful tools and if I can offer any advice to early stage cancer recipients...Minds are powerful! In healing, in acceptence, in grief, in sorrow....and in victory.... I am a lucky woman, and I am four years into my battle against breast cancer....

Superior, WI