This to shall pass

My story starts 2007 at the age of 26. I felt a lump and doc sent me for sono. Results were negative. With no order for follow up and being young I didnt think much about it. I got married, bought a house, had my son..then dec 2011 I noticed lump again In same spot. New doc ordered mammogram. Results once again negative. Follow up in 6 months. By the follow up testing I had found out I was pregnant so I could only get sonogram. Sono came back no suspicious findings but since lump was quite noticable I was sent to specialist. She ordered biopsy to be done. A week later there I was sitting in my doctor's office thinking this is a waste of time all prior reports were negative...with my 2 yr old son with me and while 28 weeks pregnant with my daughter I got my biopsy have breast cancer. Me? I'm 31. I'm about to have a baby! The next few weeks were exhausting. I was sent to univ of md due to needing to be monitored closely since I was pregnant. I would need mastectomy. I was a nervous wreck. Will my baby be ok. But at 32 weeks pregnant I went into surgery. I had a 10 cm tumor and 4/9 nodes involved. My baby and I did great we recovered. I delivered a healthy baby girl 7 weeks later. Had pet ct scan and medport a week after delivery. I was diagnosed stage 4 bc with mets to bones. With a toddler and newborn at home I started my treatment. 6 cycles chemo, 33 treatments radiation to chest, hysterectomy with bilat oopherectomy, radiation to femur, monthly shots and daily pills... 18 months later my Reconstruction begins May 9, 2014! Its been very challenging but I am praising the Lord thru the storm!! I'm so thankful for my family and friends who helped me thru this journey. Please be your own doctor and insist on testing if you notice anything unusual!

Mechanicsville, MD