This is my Story........

My name is Denise, I live in Florida and have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Discovery alone took more than 6 months. The county I live in has three different tax districts which work as seperate entities. I have no insurance and live by myself. I did not qualify for any programs in my area or I had not lived in my home (in the same "tax" district) for 6 months (though I lived in all three in 4 years)....leaving me alone, afraid, and scared for my life literally.It is really disheartening to know that my fight for the past 6 months was not against cancer but against the beauracracy and the guidelines that have been set in place to qualify for healthcare when you have none to even get a clear diagnosis. I now face chemo, radiation, as well as 5 yrs treatment to keep this disease in check. If I had had earlier detection, the results could have been different. It is now in my lymph system and I do not qualify for medicaid or disability as of right now. I should be fighting this desease with all that I have but instead I have to fight to keep a roof over my head, electricity on, and other means to keep a quality of life that affords me the focus to fight this terrible disease while unable to work. Women today will lose this fight if something is not done to releive the pressures of healthcare situation and roadblocks in the way of this fight. If I lose my place to live by being unable to pay my bills, this last 6 months spent qualifying for treatments would have been in will only be taken away and have to to begin again elsewhere. I remain a fighter!!!

New Smyrna Beach, FL