The story of a warrior..

My name is Myriam and my story started in 1999, i got a cyst on my right breast and had a high fever and so l went to the hospital where they popped it , and so every year l kept on getting this cyst back about three times a year, well in 2008 l got my mammogram and the dr told me that i had to get a biopsy, so than they told me l had breast cancer. I had a mastectomy and in Dec 29th, 2008 l started my chemo, l was diagnosed with stage 3 invasive carcinoma and had 36 lymph nodes removed, l had 12 rounds of chemo and 31 of rsdiation, it was the hardest thing l had ever encountered, after that l had my reconstruction in 2 days l started having a real high fever and found out my body rejected the implant. Because of my pills that l have to take for 5 years i developed osteoporosis and have been having the hardest time with pain all over my body, l just thank God that he gave me the best husband anyone could have, he has ben through everything with me and l dont know what l would of done without him, my kids and my brothers and most of all my mom. I always thank my drs and the nurses that cared for me and l will keep on fighting against everything. Thank you for letting me tell u my story and to all the women and men that are diagnosed dont ever give up keep on fighting and someday they will find a cure for this terrible disease. God Blees you all.

Fort Worth, TX