The Rug Was Pulled Out From Under Us

My husband and I had a home, careers we loved, great family and friends and were planning on expanding our family after Labor Day. June 4th, 2013 I found a lump in my right breast. Within a few days I was in to my OBGYN who recommended a mammogram, ultra sound and biopsy. I went and had that all done and was told by my Radiologist that I would be receiving a call the next day with my results. June 12th, 2013, 10:30AM, I received a call that forever changed me. "Emily, you have cancer." To be technical it was Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

I decided to "nip it in the breast". Since then, I've had a double mastectomy, 22 lymph nodes removed, egg harvesting and chemotherapy. I will be going through Herceptin treatments until November 2014 and 10 years of Tamoxofin.

I followed through with full testing genetic panel. I was BRCA 1/2 negative, ER/PR+, HER2+ and found out that I have Li-Fraumeni. Women who have Li-Fraumeni have a 100% chance of getting a cancer in their lifetime and men have a 70% chance. Since having Li-Fraumeni I have a chance of passing it down to my children, so my husband and I will have our embryos tested.

My husband and I felt like the rug was pulled out from under us. I had just turned 27, with no family history. We kept thinking there was a mistake, or we were in a dream and would soon wake up. But we weren't. When I found the lump I had so many people telling me not to worry and that it probably wasn't anything, but in my gut I knew. I followed my instincts and I hope everyone follows theirs because no one knows their body better then themselves!!

Emily Carriveau
Milwaukee, WI