The roller coaster ride nobody would imagine to one day be on...

We are still in shock and the words "Our mother has breast cancer," still haven't hit us yet. Yesterday, August 18, 2009, our mom found out she had fallen victim to infiltrating ductile carcenoma. The cancer cells are reproducing at a very rapid rate. She will begin chemotherapy treatments immediately for 15-16 weeks to hopefully stop the growth of the cancer or in best case scenario, shrink it down. Surgery will follow, then another batch of chemo and radiation. Our mother has a very long, emotional battle ahead of her. She is a very strong woman though, and is ready to put up a fight. With the power of prayer and God's healing touch, we believe that she will make it through this journey cancer-free and be a living inspiration for others, even though we already know she is. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. God Bless, the Downs family.

Joe & Kate, Erin, Adam
Eaton, OH