I found out I had breast cancer stage 0 at age 32 in June 2008 because I felt a lump in a self examination and I had a mammogram right after, and it was no doubt, it was bc, or as I called it, the factor C. My world collapsed for some time but you have to fight so I never let myself feel like a victim because, unfortunetly, I know it can happen to any person. In this process my family and friends were the greatest!

Until now everything is OK, it's been a tought, but in some ways, good year. I had my lump removed in August and, after surgery, had to choose between radiotherapy and breast removal. A very hard decision that I had to make in minutes... I choosed radiotherapy (35 sessions all) and still hope it was the right one. In some ways I felt and still feel lucky because I saw women with much difficult situations than mine and they gave me hope, women are fighters!!

Because of breast cancer I give up smoking, something I thought it was impossible, but I did it with no help and it's been a year and it was the best decision I ever made.

From my experience I can only say, make self examination, talk to your doctor, the precoce diagnosis is very importante. From another perspective, be positive and believe in the power of a smile that comes from the inside!

Isabel Pinto
Viseu, Portugal