I am thankful for. . .
1. my diagnosis of breast cancer 3 1/2 years ago;
2. the discovery of Herceptin about 12 years ago, which is used to treat HER2NU+ cancers—before then, there was NO treatment;
3. the answer to my prayer that God use my cancer journey to help other women traveling the cancer road;
4. God leading me to start His project—The Sparkle Caps Project—in 3 years, we have given out over 600 sponsored gift bags of blessings to women battling cancer;
5. my husband Gary, family and friends who supported me on my breast cancer journey;
6. the new friends and acquaintances that I have made because of cancer;
7. the support (in so many ways) and encouragement of others, which lights a fire to my passion to help other women dealing with cancer;
8. the wisdom to listen and the desire to follow my boss’ instructions;
9. the tears that flow too freely and the deep-seated compassion that allows me to pass on God’s love to our Sisters in Pink, Green, Yellow, Black, Burgundy, White, Orange, etc.
10. God, who loves me like no other can.
We are blessed, each of us, in so many ways during our trials. When we get to the light at the end of the treatment tunnel, we experience life with more appreciation; more compassion for others; less judgment (walk a mile in my shoes), and a greater joy for life. We do not know our time on this earth. Our destinies can be shaped by cancer but not determined by cancer.

Susan "Victorious" Heimbigner
Sumter, SC