The love of my Life

I would not be here today if it were not for the "Love of My Life" my husband & partner for 38 years. Due to a self breast exam, in the Fall of 2001 I found a small lump that seemed suspicious. However, being unrealisticly healthy my entire life, I dismissed it as nothing since I do have fiberistic breasts. At the same time my youngest son was diagnosed with testicle cancer and it scared me so much at the thought of losing one of my 3 children, I put myself on the backburner to focus on him. He went through surgery and treatment like a trooper. Now it was time to have myself checked out. I had stage 3 breast cancer in my right breast.
Right before Christmas, I had a right mastectomy & started chemo in January. Through it all, my wonderful Husband Tom was right by my side, taking care of me, encouraging me, being the perfect nurse.
I did not opt for reconstructive surgery, as my husband said that was the
least of our concern & it did not matter to him at all, that I am not defined by my breasts. I stayed healthy and active for the next 9 years and recently my breast cancer came back as tiny tumor on my collar bone hidden & wrapped in a bundle of brachial plexis nerves. If not for the excruiating nerve pain every night for a year, I'd not have even known about it. My sweet husband would sit up all night taking care of me. He is with me for every monthly bone infusion, holding my hand, encouraging me as he always has been. I'm looking forward to many more years with this wonderful "Love of my Life."
What a blessing.

Karen Green
birmingham, AL