The Love Of A Mother

I wish my mom was here to tell you her story, but I'll tell you instead.
I found out that my mom had breast cancer this past September, ironically finding out on Friday the 13th. I found out that my mom had stage four breast cancer for three years now. Three years. Neither me nor my siblings knew about it. My mom is the most unselfish person you could ever meet and all she did in life was protect us and she tried to give back to our community any way she could. My mom didn't tell us she had cancer, because she wanted to protect us. She did everything she could to protect us. She told us we were her inspiration to keep fighting, because family is the most important thing. We stayed with my mom in the hospital everyday for about a month, and then the doctors told us the worst possible news: that this is the end, there is nothing more they can do. I lost my mom in October of this year, but she put up the biggest fight against cancer. No one knows how strong my mom was and how much she has inspired me.
My mom is my biggest inspiration. Without her, her courage and her love, I wouldn't be who I am today. In a matter of one month, I learned my mom had cancer and then I lost her. She has inspired me so much, that I promised her I will continue with school, and go to college. I'm even planning on going for medicine and cancer research. She has inspired so many people in my family and within our community that her spirit will never die. Along with my sisters, at the end of October we raised over ten thousand dollars for breast cancer research for the making strides against breast cancer walk. I will never give up on her, as I promised that one day we will find a cure. I can't express how much my mom has inspired me, and I hope to make her proud every day.

New York, NY