The Lord has blessed

I was 32 when I was diagnosed with breast can. After a bone scan to make sure it had not spread to the bone I had a modified radical mastectomy which removed my left breast. Due the fact the lymph nodes were clear remarkably I did not have to go through chem or radiation. However 6 weeks later after many test the doctors discovered I was almost 4 months pregnant. I was pregnant before my surgery and did not know it. Due to the fact I had been through the surgery and many tests it was decided that this could be another life threatening situation. I immediately had a therapeutic abortion and tubal ligation. The next year when my body had healed I had a hysterectomy. I will be 62 next month and have been caner free for almost 30 years. I have been truly blessed and am thankful for every day the Lord has given me.

Elaine Terry
Greensboro, NC