We believe we are in this fight against Breast Cancer as "Sisters". Thus, the "Kansas Twisted Sisters" were born!! We have taken up the challenge to help fight and find a cure for Breast Cancer by participating in the 3-Day Walk scheduled in Washington, DC on October 9 - 11, 2009. Our group consists of 13 professional women. 12 of us are in Kansas and one Twisted Sister lives in Louisville, Kentucky but will be joining us in DC for the walk. Seven of our "Twisted Sisters" plan to walk while the others will help with fund raising, cheer us on and congratulate us at the "finish line".
To reach the "finish line" each participant in the 3-Day Walk must raise $2,300.00 in donations. We also each will pay our own way to D.C. so any donations you make will be strictly for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund. I cannot complete my journey without your support and help. I need your help now more than ever. I realize with the economy the way it currently is raising funds may be much more difficult than in 2006 and that is why I am emailing every person I know and asking for even the smallest amount to reach my goal. If you cannot contribute then please wish me luck and follow my story on the Kansas Twisted Sister's web page. If you can contribute I would be forever grateful. I thank you for any support you can offer. Please go to this site and DONATE! http://www.the3day.org/site/TR/Walk/WashingtonDCEvent?team_id=78133&pg=team&fr_id=1303&s_tafId=85068
Thank You very much for your support and help. We walk in honor of those that have gone before us and those who are to follow. For our mothers, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends, daughters!!
Wichita, KS