The dreaded day

My story began in January 2010. I had been scheduled for my mammogram in Decembe of 2009, but due to califications, I was scheduled for a sonogram and another mammogram in Januay of 2010. Needless to say, I ended up having three biospies done on the same day and eight days later, my world fell apart. I was forty seven years old, no beast cancer runs in my mother's side of the family, and it was the scariest day of my life.
I opted for a lumpoctomy and sentinal node disection. Needless to say, the cancer was not all removed. I ended up having my left breast removed in March. I did not have any chemo or radiation therpay, and am still cancer free. SInce the removal of my beast, I have also started reconstuction and have come a long way with in a years time.
I have the love and support of my family and friends to see me through all this, but the fight is constantly going on for others, Thank god my cancer was diagnosed early enough, due to having scheduled mammograms. Its very important to get them done.

Groton, NY