The Day That Changed My Life

July 25, 2013 was the day that changed my life. It all began on June 17th when I discovered a lump in my left breast. I had experienced lumps before so I was thinking that it would go away. I had also just had a mammogram in January so in my mind there was no way it was anything to worry about. Three weeks later it was still there, non movable, hurting and growing. After another mammogram and biopsy, I was diagnosed with the Her2 breast cancer at age 53. The whirlwind began with Dr. appointments, tests and more Dr. appointments. I had a double mastectomy with the removal of 24 lymph nodes on the left side. Out of those 24 lymph nodes, 10 showed cancer cells. I began chemotherapy 6 weeks after surgery and I'm still in the middle of my chemo with radiation therapy in my future with a follow-up surgery to insert my implants.
One thing I have learned through all this is that cancer is not prejudice and it does not discriminate. You also learn just how strong your family is when you go through something like this. They have been right by my side from day one. My mother has been there every step of the way, from changing bandages and drains to carting me to every treatment. She is 78 years old and the strongest woman I have every met. I'm grateful to call her Mom.
I guess if I could leave a message with everyone it would be to "GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS" and be aware of your body. You know when you feel changes and you know when something feels wrong.
I am very confident that I will be a SURVIVOR!!

Sandy Neal
Ladoga, IN