The Day My Life Changed Forever

On July 2, 2014 I went to have a mammogram done. I was scheduled to have a diagnostic mammogram because of a small bump under my left arm. After the mammogram the doctor came out to speak with me. I felt my heart beating as he told me that they needed to do a ultrasound of the bump under my left arm because they could not get a good picture. He then stated they needed to biopsy of my right breast as there were micro calcification. He explained that calcification is common in many women, but when it's clustered it is then considered suspicious. It took me a month to get the biopsy due to horrible communication within the system. I had the ultra sound and the left breast was fine. I had the biopsy on August 6, 2014, On August 13, 2014, my life changed forever. I was told that the biopsy was not what they wanted. My heart felt like it would jump out my chest, my body felt warm and if felt as though the room got darker. The doctor told me to focus on the positive, as the cancer was invasive ductal stage 1 and easy to treat. I was also ER and PR + and Her 2 negative. I am scheduled for surgery on October 15, 2014. I will be having a lumpectomy and radiation. Treatment is not etched in stone, as the true story won't be none until after surgery. Anyway I am walking through this with God. He is in control and I will be okay.

Chesapeake, VA