The Cancer Family

My story begins on august 6,2010. My Daughter received a diagnosis of DCIS. That evening I discovered a lump in my right breast. I chose not to tell my Daughter or Husband until tests were completed. At that time I was supporting and physically caring for my husband who just survived Prostate Cancer and was fighting a rare terminal cancer, NSCSC. Now our 42 year old Daughter needed support, after surviving Cervical cancer 8 years earlier.
That autumn I was diagnosed with DCIS with lymph involvement on the right and LCIS on the left. After our Daughter's Double Mastectomy and Chemotherapy I began my journey. After a Modified Radical Mastectomy on the right and Simple Mastectomy on the left, I spent the next 8 weeks having reconstructive surgeries because my incisions failed. When everything healed I went thru 4 months of Chemo and 28 Radiation treatments. Our Daughter completed her treatments with flying colors. WE were so PROUD of her ! It wasn't easy because she was trying to work at the business she owned and care for our 2 Grandchildren, while going thru a Divorce.
My journey thru chemo was awful . I experienced every side effect of Chemo, while trying to care for my Husband, who was loosing his battle with his Cancer. On January 24, 2012 he lost his battle.
On September16,2013 my Daughter became a 42 month survivor. On November 5, I became a 40 month survivor. It has been a LONG hard road filled with much pain, illness, and sadness. I have a few more minor surgical procedures and it will be over for me. Support from ALL our friends, Family, extended Family,, and above ALL our ONCOLOGY TEAM got us thru . Wish my Husband could see HOW good we're doing......

Patricia (Patt ) Bush
East Hampton, CT