The big "C", but your too young.

I am 32 and was diagnosed with Stage 1 Her2 Breast Cancer, in July. Everything stopped in my world when this was told to me, I just couldn't believe what I was being told, my first thought was my daughter whose 3 yrs old. What and how am I going to go through this with her being so little and try to shield her from all of this because I want her to stay 3 yrs old and not grow up any faster than what she already has. All I heard at every appointment was your too young, I'm so sorry. On the upside my Oncologist advised the growth had just turned to cancer and this was the 2nd time he's seen this in his career. It took me several weeks to choose what I was going to do, either a mastectomy or the lumpectomy with 6 weeks of radiation. All I could think about was the chance of it coming back. I have a dear friend whose mother has the same exact breast cancer and it came back...something I was so scared of...finally on my 3rd week since my diagnosis I made my decision. I made it exactly the moment my doctor asked me if I had decided. At that moment I advised I wanted a mastectomy. On Aug 19th I had my mastectomy and it's been a rough recovery, more of acceptance that has made it rough. Of course there are good days and there are bad days. The best day was when I went to see my Oncologist who advised that I would not need any sort of treatment what so ever! The prayers from my friends and family truly worked this miracle. My pathology report for my lymph nodes came back negative, this was a confusion for my General Surgeon since they tested positive with the neuro injection. He even sent them off three times to be tested to make sure and each time they were negative. Truly a miracle and now I can move forward with my journey.

Round Rock, TX