I was diagnosed with breast cancer the first time in 1986 at the age of 33. A modified radical mastectomy with removal of lymph nodes was performed. After testing, the lymph nodes showed to be clear. Back then, when the nodes were clear, the treatment was over. I lived a very happy and cancer free life until Jan., 2006. Just like the first time, I found the lump myself and went straight to the doctor. The initial biopsy showed cancer again. My husband and I were both in shock. One minute we laughed and said, "haven't we been through this before", and the next we were crying. After a lumpectomy and removal of the three sentinel nodes, the news wasn't quite as good this time. The cancer had spread. The oncologist said that the cancer was fast growing, so the fast tract was taken to get the chemo started. As you know, that was no piece of cake, but with God's help, along with family and friends, it saved my life. After 4 months of chemo, I started that long climb back up the hill, my hair started to grow back and before I knew it I was feeling great. My next hurdle was to have a second mastectomy. Currently, I am in the middle of the reconstruction procedure and looking forward to living another 30 or so years. Live everyday to it's fullest, never take life for granted, and above all else, never give up.
patraarab, AL