That's not your lymph nodes...

I had been battling a variety of illnesses since April...the worst being a chronic sinus infection. My lymph nodes were swollen, I would get put on more antibiotics and still it wouldn't go away. Finally one day in November a lymph node in my collar bone swelled to the size of a golf ball. That was enough for me to check out one more doctor. She looked at that and then at the swollen lymph node under my arm. I could tell she was concerned and she told me "that is not a lymph node". It was most likely breast cancer. Wow.

After a biopsy my worst fears were confirmed...cancer. For some reason my surgeon sent me in for an ultrasound on my right breast too. Something was suspicious so I had an MRI biopsy. An early stage cancer too.

January 2, 2013 I had a bilateral mastectomy. I was lucky it hadn't spread past my Sentinel lymph nodes. The next six months were filled with the pain of expanders, reconstruction and nipple reconstruction. At the end of this long year, I realize how lucky I was. I also have so much appreciation for the other survivors, my support angels and my awesome healthcare team.

Not a journey I wanted to go on but I have learned so much. I want to shout from the rooftops for everyone to get regular mammograms and to listen to your body. If it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.

Mary Jo
Hudson, WI