Thanks to Ultrasound

I was long overdue for a mammogram but I had just moved to another state and the local center was unwilling to go forward without a copy of my baseline xrays. Since I had moved I couldn't remember the place of my last mammogram so I kept putting it off.

One New Year's Eve I made my resolutions list. Mammogram was number one so first of the year I called and explained that I did not have the xray they needed but wanted to still come in for a mammogram. After my appointment I went back to work. When the nurse called me to tell me there was something on the xray and that I had to come back in, I thought it was just scar tissue from a biopsy I had many years ago. They said it looked suspicious enough to warrant an ultrasound. The ultrasound gave them the confirmation they needed for a biopsy. The biopsy results came back positive. Since I had moved I did not have family nearby to support me as I went through this long mentally and physically exhausting process.

To this day I think back to when the center decided to go forward and do an ultrasound in spite of the fact that no lumps were found during the exam. Had they gone simply on the exam and the mammogram I wonder where would I be.

New Britain, CT