Thanks Mom and Dad!

October 2013 I got a call from the mammogram center stating they have a script for me from my family doctor to come get my mammo. Thinking this was odd because I didn't recognize the doctors name who sent it in(I just go to whatever doctor is available so possible just don't remember her).I decided to go because I was now 43.About a month before the appointment I started feeling around and felt a lump. Thinking Its all in my mind because I knew the appointment was coming up I just ignored it, after all there was no history of it in my family. Went for my mammogram and got a call back stating they had seen something in my right breast right where I had felt the lump. In disbelief I figured it must be a cyst. Biopsy told otherwise, it was cancer with lymph node involvement. While I was going through chemo my son became sick so I had called the family doctor and the only one available was the doctor who sent in the script. Great, that ment I could personally thank her. Got to the office to find a doctor I had never seen but proceeded to thank her for sending in the script. As she looked confused she told he how strange that was because they never just put out scripts on their own unless a patient asks them to. All along I felt my mom and dad who passed away 16 years ago must have had something to do with it, now I am certain! I probable would have put off that mammogram for a few more years and who knows what would have been. I had a lumpectomy, and as my breast surgeon told me, I pulled up my big girl pants(love her!!) and made it through 8 chemo treatments and have now completed 20 of 33 radiation treatments and am cancer free! Thanks mom and dad for saving my life!

Glenside, PA