
August 11, 2013: I rolled over in bed at 2 in the morning and my left hand slid between by breasts. I felt a large walnut sized lump right in the middle and I said " and what are you doing there?" I knew it was cancer. I had been a nurse for 36 years. I was in my doctor's office the next morning. He told me he would arrange for me to see a surgeon but that he was optimistic that it was not cancerous. I knew differently and was prepared for not only the diagnose but also the chemo and radiation to follow. The diagnosis followed a needle biopsy and a further biopsy after ultrasound. I had had mammograms every year since I was 35 due to my older sister having breast cancer at age 35 but my mammogram in February of 2013 did not show any sign of this tumour. I had a lumpectomy the day before my 64th birthday in September. 12 lymph nodes were removed. Now to wait for the hormone receptor and HER status and staging. I had so many friends and family praying for me. And in my case, God was closer than ever throughout this journey. He gave me the strength. Finally, the results: ER and PR +,HER 2 -, stage 2A, all nodes clear and clear margins. I chose to have the Oncotype test done, paid for by me because our province does not pay for this test. Weeks later, the result of 7/100. No chemo necessary. Just radiation. 35 treatments including 5 boosts on the scar. I completed my radiation on Feb 3, 2014. Now I am taking Letrozole for at least 5 years. I have felt so relaxed and positive throughout this whole journey. Until now. Now, I wonder , will I remain cancer free? Most days I am still very positive and oh, so thankful. But I suppose that it is normal to wonder once you have had a cancer diagnosis. I will not let it define me.

Bev More
Brandon, Canada