Ten years cancer free

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, had a lumpectomy and a recision a month later. The following year another lesion was discovered after having followup mammograms consistently during that year. It was in the same breast so I had another lumpectomy and this time followed up with 6 weeks of radiaton therapy. Since then, I have been cancer free! I did not use any hormonal therapy as I was pre-menopausal. My doctor followed me regularly for years and eventually I had a breast MRI which was negative and also BRCA genetic testing. This showed a very low percentage which is wonderful since I have 4 daughters and they will need to be prepared for the future. I had wonderful support from friends and family and other survivors and indeed I count my blessings everyday. Thank God for mammograms as that is how I was diagnosed in the first place!! Cindy Weber, Wakefield, RI

Cindy Weber
Wakefield, RI