Ten days and my life changed forever

Breast cancer doesn't run in my family so I never really feared it. I had my regular mammograms without any incident. One Friday I was getting ready for work and felt a huge hard lump in my left breast. Where did this suddenly appear from? After a long weekend of worrying I got into my doctor's office to check it out. Everything moved so quickly from that point. Diagnostic mammo, biopsy, and then the bad news. Invasive ductal carcinoma, stage 2b. I had two tumors and it was in four lymph nodes. Chemo began immediately. Ten days was all it took to change my life. Bi-lateral mastectomies, radiation and reconstruction. All words that I never really understood until now. While I let it bring me down in the beginning, I don't anymore. I am a survivor. And with my family and friends I can get through anything. Keep checking those tatas ladies!

Woodford, VA