
My mother Suzanne lost her battle with breast cancer in 2004, she was only 52... She never got to celebrate her golden wedding anniversary, or grow old with my Daddy whom she loved so much. My Mom had yet to see her children graduate school, get married and have babies.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer June 16th at the time of her diagnosis her cancer was already stage 4 with metastasis to the liver, she died 8 months later.

My Mother's story is a prime example of why early detection is SO IMPORTANT.

Do your monthly breast exams, report any and all changes in your breasts to your doctor right away... Make sure you get a mammogram as early and often as you can. If my Mother had done these things she may still be with us today.

The next time you consider rescheduling an appointment or skipping a breast exam think of all the milestones you would never want to miss.

We miss you Momma! I love you, and I know you're up there watching over all of us.

Shannon O'Neill
Lakehurst, Canada