Susan's "Pathway to Recovery"

Days before our wedding, I had a stereotactic biopsy on my right breast the end of July 2013. This transpired after having my annual mammogram in January 2013 with some concern so a six-month followup was scheduled for July. The day after my biopsy I received a phone call from my doctor informing me it was cancer. During the past year, I had fought to overcome a stroke last September, which affected my right side and speech, and lost my mother in January after loosing my father in January 2010. I'm an only child and had been a single mom for 10 years. But in February 2013, I met the man who I knew I'd marry. In May, we became engaged. Despite the news of my breast cancer, we lived out our fairy tale wedding, a destination wedding on Wrightsville Beach on August 10. On August 24, we celebrated at home with approximately 200 of our closest friends and family. Our reception was the week following our first trip to the Cancer Treatment Center in Chicago where we had gone for a second opinion yet decided to pursue our "pathway to recovery" there. Since that time, I've had a surgical biopsy and a bilateral mastectomy with the beginning stages of reconstructive surgery after not only knowing it was in my right breast but an MRI found a more evasive tumor in my left breast. On Monday, December 30, I am anticipating my last chemo treatment, which will allow us to be home for New Year's Eve. After completing the genetics test a few months ago, we learned I have the BRCA2 gene and a one in 10,000 mutation. Following my last chemo, I will have a hysterectomy as a proactive measure against my increased likelihood for ovarian cancer. At the same time, my expanders will replaced with my implants. Despite all of the traumatic emotions and experiences associated with breast cancer, it has been a wonderful journey. As my husband reminds me, this is only temporary. God is using me, and I know He has great things planned for me.

Susan Crum-Teague
Greeneville, TN