Susan's Journey

My sister Susie at age 38 was diagnosed with Inflammatory breast cancer last year. Stage happened so fast fast it is still ablur, a rash onher breasts, and then treated for an infection that didnt go away, and finally the horrible judgement..stage 4. She went through all kinds of chemo, in three months and had the heart of an angel. She never complained as she lost her hair and her family rallied around her. I am still in shock of this rare form of breast cancer that is devastating that no one hears about. She died three and a half months later.......

I will never be the same, I hope more is done to get the word out about this form of breast cancer. A rash needs to be biopsied, before it spreads like wildfire. I will miss my sister and my best friend everyday I have left here on earth. Please pass the word. A lump is NOT the indicator of breast cancer.

Kaylee Walstad
Independence, MN