My husband and I moved to TX. from AL., bought a home and was landscaping our yard. I had picked up a couple of landscape timbers and pinched my breast. A few days later I was doing a self exam and found a lump. I shrugged it off and told myself it was because of the accident. I told my sister who is a breast cancer survivor and she told me I had to go and get it checked out..I did not want to go but with a lot of coaxing from my husband
I went. I was told I needed to do a biopsy and went to BAMC(the techs and doctors were the best....moral support and explained everything) for the biopsy. It was a needle biopsy and they removed some of the liquid to run the test, later contacting me with the results and sent me to Surgery to see a surgeon. I was then told I had to have the lump removed to have a biopsy on it only to be told with the result that I had that dreaded C word....CANCER. They had to go back and remove more tissue and after treatment I can now say I am a SURVIVOR!

Elizabeth Glass
La Vernia, TX