
Hi, i would like to share my story of hope, I was diagnosised with breast cancer at the age of 46, The journey started with a lumpectomy and seninel node biospy which was diagnsised to be grade 3 aggressive cancer which had progressed into one of my lymph nodes and was in the margins. My specialist whom I am so grateful too, stated that it would be best to have a left mascetomy and all my lymph nodes removed from my left arm, I am glad this decision was made as there were still three lots of cancer left within different sections of my breast and in my nipple. I was so very forunate to have no more cancer in any more lymph nodes. This then followed with chemo which I found very emotional losing my long hair, it was hard enough losing a breast. I am very grateful to be one year in remission and living a healthy life, I am grateful to the cancer care nurses, my work, friends and a special thanks to my family for the support through this very emotional time. I think the waiting for the results to be one of the hardest things and encourage others to talk about their feelings and always hold onto hope. I do not live in fear of it returning because I will not let that control my life, instead I am very vigilant with my appointments and know if it does return I will get it early and live to tell another story. Karen

St Marys, Australia