survivor of breast cancer

I went for my routine mammogram on Sept. 2013, it came back abnormal. In Oct. 2013, went had another mammogram and us, it was abnormal also, I went in Nov.2013 for two biopsy and 3 days later was dx with breast cancer. I was dx on 11/13/13 with IDC stage 1A. My world just feel apart,when I heard these words. So many thoughts go through your mind. I went had a double mastectomy, with Dr. Berry with Norton's and 4 weeks later went to see my med oncologist, with Dr. Seeger with Norton's, she ran more test, one called oncotype my results on this was a 8. I knew I had this beat when she called and told me no radiation/no chemo, just I had to take Tamoxifen for 5 years. I have only really had nausea with this med so far, been taking on my 4 week.Now at April 24,2014, I go and talk with my plastic surgeon. I Still have 3more major surgeries expanders, implants,nipple reconstruction. It will take about 1 year to get all this done. I get upset about the surgeries coming up, but remind my self I can do this and will beat this CANCER. I have a postive attitude and have very postive caregivers and friends to help me through, this is why I have made it through.In all this I'm finishing my nursing school and have only missed 2 days. and graduate April 18th 2014. I have a strong feeling, I know what field I will be working in.ONCOLOGY. I think back why I had to go this, but taking care of cancer patients in the future, I can really understand what they are going through, (scared,questions,uncertainty,the way they feel.) I ride in the beat the cure bike ride for cancer, I have already signed up for the 35 mile ride.

Donna Flowers
Shepherdsville, KY